Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Zambian Member of Parliament says political involvement key in climate change

 NOVEMBER 12, 2013

From VIOLET MENGO in Warsaw, Poland

KABWE Member of Parliament James Kapyanga says the involvement of political leaders is cardinal in the formulation of policies that can accelerate climate change.

Speaking in an interview here, Mr Kapyanga said politicians are policy makers and in better standing to take the leading role in addressing climate change.

“If there is anything to do with legal formulation of policies, the politicians are the ones to advance the process because they are the drivers in this area and hence their involvement is important,” Mr Kapyanga said.

He also noted that the other important aspect for political leaders is the full understanding of climate change.

“My presence here at the conference is very important and goes a long way to try and help out my colleagues who are at home in fully understanding climate change and activities that can address this challenge,” he said.

The member of Parliament is of the view that without a good understanding of climate change issues, politicians may fail to come up with workable policies that are aimed at addressing climate change.

Mr Kapyanga said climate change is all about taking care of the atmosphere, environment and natural resources in a way that future generation will not be affected.

And on the Conference of Parties (COP19) meeting, the parliamentarian said the conference is very important because it is looking at issues that affect the climate and also bridging the gap between the developed and developing countries.

“From the developing world aspect, they are saying that they have not really affected the climate and blame the industrialisation of the developed nations, which emitted most of the pollution contributing to the changes in the atmosphere,” Mr Kapyanga said.

He said the need to address issues of finance, capacity building and technological transfer which seem to be a very difficult on the part of developed world, challenges of climate change will be answered.

“It is sad that to date the United States of America have chosen not to be part of the Kyoto Protocol which binds industrialised nation to reduce their emission, USA is a country that has massive technology and wealth and can capacitate the developing countries,” Mr Kapyanga said.

He appealed to industrialised nations that are still not part of the Kyoto protocol to start participating because climate change affects the world and accelerate the response to climate change.

The 19th session of the UN climate change conference is taking place at the Warsaw National stadium and runs from 11 to 22 November.

Over 190 countries are represented. The high level meeting for policy makers starts on the 19th November.


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