Friday, December 9, 2011

African Group sets out key demands as talks enter final stages

COP17, Durban, South Africa - The African Group of negotiators have set out their five key demands as UN climate talks in Durban move into the high level stage of negotiations today.

The Group, which represents 54 African countries and is chaired by Mr. Tosi Mpanu Mpanu of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, are demanding:
  • A multilateral agreement that respects the principles and provisions of the Convention, and matches the ambition and substance set out in the Bali Action Plan
  • A second and subsequent commitment periods under the Kyoto Protocol with ambitious, science-based mitigation targets for developed country Kyoto Parties and provisional application to avoid a gap in the legally binding regime; and comparable efforts by developed country non-Kyoto Parties (United States) under the Convention, including ambitious, legally binding, economy-wide emission reduction commitments;
  • Agreement on long-term sources and scale of finance commencing in 2013, including a process for determining the levels of finance necessary for implementation of the Convention in a predictable and identifiable manner;
  • Full operationalization of the outcomes and institutions agreed in Cancun including the Green Climate Fund
  • Agreement on a work programme on adaptation to establish an international mechanism on loss and damage from climate change for developing countries.
Mr Tosi Mpanu Mpanu said:

"As a world leader on climate change, a major player in the UN climate change negotiations, and hosts of an "African COP" Africa must continue to play an important and growing role in the climate negotiations.  

"The Durban Package must respond to Africa's needs and potential. We are talking to the developed countries about how they meet their historical responsibilities to deliver a fair and just climate deal for the world."

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