Friday, December 9, 2011

COP17 final day

120 countries, including Brazil, Japan, Canada and many African nations, have lined up behind the EU's proposal for a roadmap towards a new global agreement. The plan would involve the major emitters from both the developing and developed world to sign a deal in 2015 which would come into effect in 2020.

There was some confusion on Thursday when the US lead negotiator Todd Stern appeared to endorse the EU's position (he used the term "roadmap" approvingly twice in a press conference). He later rowed back from that though and seems to favour a more flexible time-table.

Meanwhile, India has been strongly opposed to any plan that would mean it and other large developing economies should take on legally-binding cuts to carbon emissions. China's position is ambiguous. It has made some warm noises about the EU plan but appears also to be some way from accepting legally binding cuts.

If there is to be a deal, the talks may well spill over into Saturday – and there are even rumours that delegates are preparing for the talking to continue into Sunday.

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